Ways with words (141)
A. Match the words on the left side with their meanings on the right.(Question)
a. proclaim i. generous or forgiving
b. unswerving ii. distress
c. magnanimous iii. dreadful
d. trample iv. steady or constant
e. tremendous v. declare
f. inevitable vi. upcoming
g. dire vii. huge
h. anguish viii. pitiless
i. impending ix. unavoidable
j. ruthless x. crush
a. proclaim i. declare
b. unswerving ii. steady or constant
c. magnanimous iii. generous or forgiving
d. trample iv. crush
e. tremendous v. huge
f. inevitable vi. unavoidable
g. dire vii. dreadful
h. anguish viii. distress
i. impending ix. upcoming
j. ruthless x. pitiless
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable word from the list given.
appalling sanguine slaughter absurdity futility reluctance bestir
a. The soldiers suffer …appalling… injuries during the attack.
b. She is …sanguine… about prospects for the economic development of the country.
c. Innocent people get unexpected … slaughter… in the war.
d. The crowd laughed at the … absurdity… of the singer’s behaviour.
e. The intellectuals should be worried about the horror and …futility… of war.
f. He sensed her …reluctance… to continue the work.
g. They … bestir … themselves at the first light of morning.
Comprehension (141)
Answer these questions.
a. Why was the Italian Socialist Mergari treated like a madman?
The Italian Socialist Mergari was treated like a madman because he had spoken a few natural, human words.
b. Can political aims be attained by the criminal instrumentality of war? If yes, how?
Politicians with their powerful speeches brainwash the minds of the public and soldiers and make them ready to act according to their desire in the name of nation. Public for nationalism accept war quietly and become ready to participate in war. From the result of war, political aims can be attained.
c. Which hopes and plans were said to be mutually contradictory?
The hopes of peace negotiation between Russia and German in Brest-Litovsk, and France's plans to attack Germany were said to be mutually contradictory.
d. What can be the sacred duty of every man of good will on earth?
The sacred duty of every man of good will on earth can be not to be indifferent (lack of interest) and let the war ongoing, but to do best to prevent this final battle.
e. Is it good to tacitly (silently) accept war as an instrument of politics? If not, what else should be done?
No, it is not good to tacitly (silently) accept war as an instrument of politics. The following things should be done.
* We should give enough reasons for peace.
*We should detest and perform against useless political provocations.
* We should throw out those statesmen who conceive foreign policy in terms of self seeking national programmes, who ignore the cry of mankind!
*We should show our contest and sincerest hatred to them who want war.
f. How can we stop war in the world?
We can stop war in the world if we decide to devote ourselves exclusively for a little while to clearing away the obstacles and the barriers to peace.
g. What is the main message of this essay?
The main message of this essay is war only brings destruction and pain. We all want peace and for it, we should give enough reasons.
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Grammar (142)
Sentence functions
A. Do you know the parts of a sentence? If not, look at this sentence.
The fat man painted the door green last week.
In this sentence,
the fat man → Subject (S)
painted → Verb (V)
the door → Object (O)
green → Complement (C)
last week → Adverbial (A)
Meaning of subject, verb, object, complement and adverbial
subject - The subject is the person or thing doing something. (जस्ले कार्य गर्दछ, कर्ता )
verb- A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action. (कर्ताले के गरेको छ, क्रिया)
object - An object is the person, place, or thing that receives the action. (कर्ताले गरेको कामको प्रभाव जसलाई पर्छ, कर्म कारक)
complement- It provides greater detail about the subject or object. कर्ता र कर्मको बारेमा जानकारी दिन्छ)
adverbial - Adverbials are used to explain how, where or when something happened. (क्रिया-विशेषण)
B. Divide the following sentences into different parts.
Example: The man will buy a pen next week.
The man – will buy – a pen – next week.
Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial
a. The children are playing now.
The children – are playing – now.
Subject + Verb + Adverbial (adjunct)
b. Srijana will be reading a story.
Srijana – will be reading – a story.
Subject + Verb + Object
c. Bimala is a very beautiful girl.
Bimala – is – a very beautiful girl.
Subject + Verb (be) + Complement
d. She usually wears glasses.
She – usually – wears – glasses.
Subject + Adverbial + Verb + Object
e. They elected him President.
They – elected – him President.
Subject + Verb + Object Complement
f. Rabin is laughing.
Rabin – is laughing.
Subject + Verb
g. He has a big house in Butwal.
He – has – a big house – in Butwal.
Subject + Verb + complement + Adverbial
h. The man who lives next door is a professor.
The man – who lives next door – is – a professor.
Subject + Relative clause + Verb + Complement
i. Her uncle has been living in Kathmandu for fifteen years.
Her uncle – has been living – in Kathmandu – for fifteen years.
Subject + Verb + Adverbial + Adverbial
j. The girl with long hair asked me a question last week.
The girl with long hair – asked – me – a question – last week.
Subject + Verb + Object (indirect) + Object (direct) + Adverbial
* note : A direct object answers the question of who(m) or what.
- *An indirect object answers the question of to whom, for whom, or for what.