Thursday, August 18, 2022

Methods of Communication BBS Second Year English


Unit 1 The Communication Process

Topic 2 Communication Methods

Communication methods are the ways we use to communicate with others. They are:

1. Verbal communication – Any form of communication, either written or spoken that involves language is called verbal communication. It is the most common method of communication.

a)    Written communication: Written Communication refers to the process of conveying a message through written symbols. Examples: emails, memorandums (memos), faxes, and advertisements.

b)   Oral communication: Oral communication is the exchange of information and ideas through the spoken word. Examples: telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions, face-to-face conversations.

2. Visual communication: Visual communication is the use of visual elements (that we can see) to convey ideas and information. Examples - signs, drawing, graphic design, pictures, images, maps, and industrial design.

3. Non-verbal communication: Nonverbal communication is the transfer of information through body language, facial expressions, gestures, created space, and more. For example, smiling when you meet someone conveys (व्यक्त गर्दछ) friendliness, acceptance, and openness.

Unit 1, Topic 3 - The Writing Process

The Writing Process BBS Second Year English

 Unit 1 The Communication Process

Chapter 3

The Writing Process

The writing process means steps that one follows while writing or before publishing a written work. It involves different steps:

1) Prewriting: It is the planning stage. It is anything you do before you write a draft of your document. It includes thinking, taking notes, talking to others, taking suggestions, outlining and gathering information (e.g., interviewing people, researching in the library, assessing data).

2) Drafting: Here you put your ideas into sentences and paragraphs and begin to connect your ideas. You give a rough shape to your writing. It is handwritten copies of your writing.

3) Revising:  Here you revise the writing work and rearrange ideas or sentences to make connections between ideas clear.  Here you also think more deeply about your readers’ needs and expectations. For this, you edit necessary ideas too.

4) Editing: Here you check for grammar(capitalization and punctuation) and spelling errors. Be sure all sentences are complete. Change words that are not used correctly or are unclear. Make sure you are using the appropriate style formatting. Have someone else check your work.

5) Publishing: Publishing is the last stage where writers submit their work to the publisher. Here you make sure your written document should be completed before giving it to the publisher.


Unit 1, Topic-2 Methods of Communication

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Model Question Paper English BBS Second Year 2022

                                         BBS Second Year                                      FM: 100
                                                      Model Question 2022                                  PM: 35
                                                            (MGT: 205)                                           Time: 3 hrs.

Attempt all the questions


1. Rewrite the following paragraph, supplying the appropriate words or phrases, to complete a brief summary of Virginia Wolf's essay Professions for Women.           5

Virginia Woolf is............... a group of women seeking employment in a workforce predominated by..... She speaks of the struggle present for all women writers, and that is to break out of the............. society has for women - being pure, conservative, and sycophantic towards men without a mind of their own. This is a ............. that she was able to break, with great difficulty, in order to incorporate her own voice into her............

2. Siddhicharan Shrestha inspires the common people to move forward with promising Nepal in his poem New Nepal. Are you optimistic about his vision?5

3. E. B. White describes his experience in his personal essay Once More to the Lake. As he revisits a childhood lake in Maine, he transforms himself to find enjoyment in the journey. Explain briefly how the lake serves as the setting for both the author's past and present. 5

4. Phineas T. Barnum creates optimistic energy that makes the listeners want to go right out and conquer the world in his lecture Advertise Your Business. Narrate how the Sales, representative's skill has been demonstrated in the text? To support your answer, you might relate to any of the advertisements that you have watched, heard, read, or experienced. 10


The article The Company Man is about a workaholic employee Phil. A workaholic is someone for whom work is a compulsion, one who takes the behaviour of the workplace to an extreme, who never has a quitting time, and who sacrifices everything in life for the sake of a job. The company president, while attending Phil's funeral, mentioned that Phil's determination is irreplaceable. At the moment, Phil's wife was reluctant to maintain eye contact with the president fearing that her bitterness and hatred for Phil would be reflected. Analyze what she must have acknowledged about the importance of nonverbal cues. Support your answer with evidence from the text as well as from your own experiences.

5. Gary Snyder views that graceful conduct is often missing in human behaviour in his essay The Etiquette of Freedom, Identify what modules can a manager learn from the essay.  10


The story The Use of Force is written in a first-person narrative and does not use any quotation marks, making the dialogues inseparable from the narrator's own words. The doctor uses force against Matilda instead of persuading her. Likewise, the patient's parents, too, fail to persuade the girl. So, one among many interpretations of the story is that it is about the consequences of the failure of using effective language to persuade the receiver. Explain.

6. The Kiss is Kate Chopin's short story about a woman scheming to marry a wealthy man. The imageries in the first paragraph foreshadow the revelation that Nathalie is plotting to marry the good-natured but unattractive and rather foolish Brantain while maintaining an affair with Mr Hany. Above all, Nathalie chinks she can flirt with one man even after marrying another but has to console herself with her new husband 'and his million. With reference to the context of the story, as a business student, how do you relate the issue of gender and wealth? 


Susan Sontag, in her essay Beauty, is advocating for the 'inner beauty' (character, intellect and vision), which is considered to be more important than 'outer beauty (facial attraction or looks, physique, or sense of proportion of the body), especially for women. It is presumed that Nepali society is stereotypically believed to "teach" women to be fair and beautiful. Such a conventional concept not only degrades women's dignity but also makes them inferior to what they are. Obviously, every person should be competent, independent, and thoughtful in order to revive the ideal value of beauty and preserve their identity in society. What are your reservations about the products that endorse female as an object to advertise to attract males? To support your answer, you may even take an example of any visual ads whether in print or screen such as a TV commercial, a vlog, college brochures, leaflet or prospectus that uses girls* images just to market their products.

                                               GROUP B

7. Define the following business communication terminologies or phrases.  5

a. Encoding

b. Stereotype

c. Diversity

d. Visual aids

e. Press Release

8. Rewrite the following issues choosing the best alternatives. 5

i. Effective business messages are..............

a. entertaining, blunt, direct, opinionated, and persuasive

b. practical, objective, concise, clear, and persuasive

e. personal, clear, short, catchy, and challenging d. stuffy and unprofessional

ii.  ........ is not a skill that employers will expect you to have. 

a. Communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences

b. Using communication technologies effectively and efficiently 

c. Managing your time wisely and using resources efficiently

d. Commanding employees to follow orders

iii. Sensitivity to business etiquette......

a reduces the chance of interpersonal blunders that might negatively affect communication 

b. is considered by most companies to be a waste of time in today's fast-paced markets

c. is now legally required in all seven provinces in Nepal

d. always increases the cost of business communication

iv. In order for the receiver of a message to respond in the manner desired by the sender, the

receiver needs to........

a. remember a message

b. be able to respond the message 

c. have the motivation to respond the message

d. belong to the same cultural group

v. Teams can achieve a higher level of performance than individuals alone because..

a. they combine the intelligence and energy of multiple individuals

b. motivation and creativity flourish in team settings

c. they involve more input and a greater diversity of views, which tends to result in better decisions 

d. the members think that the power and responsibility ensure their success

9. Pretend that you are delivering an oral presentation on the topic of digital marketing" Prepare an outline for the presentation. Make sure to include your claim, at least three broader categories to support your argument, and create subcategories.  6

10. Assume that you work for the human resources department of a large bank that is attempting to reduce its paper consumption. Write an email to bank employees encouraging them to submit ideas for a new employee awareness program. Workers should be encouraged to submit ideas on ways to reduce paper waste in return for cash prizes.  8

11. Write an actual letter of complaint to a hotel, a restaurant, a business, a government agency, or an educational institution. Explain why you are unsatisfied with the product or service that has been provided and ask for a fair resolution to the problem.  8

                                             GROUP C

12. Read the given case and answer the following questions. 9x2=18

The fact that millions of people spend billions of hours playing games on their mobile devices is not lost on companies looking for ways to enhance communication with employees and customers, Whether they feature skill, chance, or compelling storylines, successful games try to engage users intellectually and emotionally--just as successful business communicators try to do.

Gamification is the addition of game-playing aspects to an activity or a process with the goal of increasing user engagement, and it's a natural fit for social media and mobile devices. Foursquare's check-in competitions, in which the person who "checks in" using Foursquare the most times during a certain time window is crowned the "mayor" of that location, were an early use of gamification. Foursquare wasn't invented as a way for people to become imaginary mayors of places where they shop or eat, of course. It is an advertising platform that relies on user activity and user-generated content, and the game clement encourages people to use the app more frequently.

Foursquare is a simple example of gamification, but other companies are pushing the concept in new ways to engage and motivate employees and other stakeholders. For example, Bunchball's Nitro software applies gamification concepts to a number of business communication platforms. On a customer-service system, the software rewards employees for increasing their productivity, meeting their service commitments to customers, and sharing knowledge with their colleagues. On several collaboration and brainstorming systems, gamification encourages people to make more connections, share ideas, and boost their influence within a community. Employee orientation systems can use game concepts to help new hires learn their way around the organization. 

Gamification is also a key strategy for many companies trying to improve customer loyalty. Badgeville's Reputation Mechanics system, for example, boosts the profile of knowledgeable customers who share expertise on social media sites and other online forums. By rewarding their product champions this way, companies encourage them to keep contributing their expertise, thereby helping other customers be successful and satisfied.

Incidentally, if you are in the Millennial generation- those born between about 1981 and 1995 you're a special target of gamification in the workplace and the marketplace, given your generation's enthusiasm for video games. Don't be surprised to find more gamified apps and systems on the job and everywhere you turn as a consumer.


a. Gamification is about influencing employee and customer behaviours in ways that benefit a company. Is this ethical? Explain your answer.

b. Assume a company provides a job-search game app that helps you navigate your way through applying for a job, explore various job openings, and understand what it would be like to work there. Would the app make you feel more positively about the company, or would you find that using a game for this purpose would trivialize something as important as your job search? Explain your answer.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Mid-Summer Noon in the Australian Forest summary Charles Harper

 A Mid-Summer Noon in the Australian Forest by Charles Harper (1813-68) B.Ed. first year


 A Mid-Summer Noon in the Australian Forest is a poem by Australian poet Charles Harper. In this poem, the poet describes how quietness ruled the forest and its creatures. It evokes the feeling opposite to a noisy and crowded world.

It is mid-summer noon in the Australian forest. All animals and birds are quiet and there is total silence. Grasshoppers are resting in the coolest place. Even the ever-busy ants are resting in their homes. Over hills and over plains due to quietness it seems as if sleep is ruling the jungle.

The poet then hears a slow, sleepy, humming sound of the dragon hornet from far away. Then far away a beetle is making a humming sound while flying in the sky. It is shining brightly in its flight. As the wind is blowing slowly, the leaves of the trees are also waving lazily. Even the tired summer is taking a sigh for sleep. Hence the poet has described the forest all quiet yet beautiful.

please read the poem yourself for a better and proper understanding

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Her First Ball summary Katherine Mansfield

Her First Ball by Katherine Mansfield (1888- 1923) BBS 2nd year English

ball (A ball is a formal dance party)


Leila, 18 years countryside girl, is the main character of the story.  The theme of the story is loss of innocence. The main character becomes able to handle her mental disturbance. Leila, with her cousins Meg, Laurie, Laura, and Jose Sheridan, was going to attend the ball (dance party). Being a country girl she guessed that at the ball there were rich, intelligent people with good clothes and she hopes to find a polite manner in the ball hall. It was her first ball dance party, therefore, she was very excited.

They arrived at the hall where the ball dance would start. There were varieties of lights and the hall was crowded with young boys and girls. Leila was very glad about this new experienced. There in the ladies' room, girls were busy decorating themselves.

Then the music began and couples started dancing.  Her first two partners were young but her third partner was an older fat man, whose clothes were not arranged properly. While dancing, he revealed to her that he had been to balls for thirty years. That was twelve years before Leila was born. He pointed out the older women sitting on stage and said that Leila would soon be too old to dance and be one of them. This made her feel sad. The two stopped dancing. Actually, the fat man had spoiled her happiness. Later the fat man said that he was only joking but Leila was still disturbed.  

Again new music was played but Leila didn’t want to dance anymore. After that, a soft tune began, and a young man with curly hair offered her to dance. She accepted to dance with him soon she forgot what the fat man said. While dancing she knocked into the same fat man he said "pardon," she smiled at him and she didn't even recognize him again.

Please read the real textbook to get the exact and detailed information. The summary may misguide you.

Beauty summary

From the Fountainhead to the Future summary

The Panther Summary Rainer Maria Rilke

The Panther - Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926)


In this poem, the poet is trying to depict the reality of the caged animals that are living in a very pitiable condition losing their natural habitat and freedom. They are not allowed to be wild and blissful.(आनन्दित) They lose their interest in mobility and always remain sad. This poem shows how humans could be cruel to animals and how the poor animals cannot do anything to help themselves. 

The Panther depicts the picture of a panther being locked in a cage and not able to go out according to its freedom. Still, it has a hope to be free one day. Even though the panther is a strong animal, it has been locked and is denied its freedom. 

While moving in the cage iron bar, he becomes tired and cannot see anything. To him, it looks as if, there are thousands of bars and behind the bars, there is no world. His movement around the cage seems like he is performing a ritual dance. (धार्मिक नाच ) He desires to go out but he feels paralyzed and arrested. In his pupils, there is the image of his freedom that goes into his heart, he imagines wandering in the jungle. He thinks it is real and tries to run but cannot. Therefore, he moves here and there helplessly.  

The Panther

His vision, from the constantly passing bars,
has grown so weary that it cannot hold
anything else. It seems to him there are
a thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world.

As he paces in cramped circles, over and over,
the movement of his powerful soft strides
is like a ritual dance around a center
in which a mighty will stands paralyzed.

Only at times, the curtain of the pupils
lifts, quietly--. An image enters in,
rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles,
plunges into the heart and is gone.

Rainer Maria Rilke    translated by Stephen Mitchell

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Just like George Bernard Shaw Summary James Herriot

Just like George Bernard Shaw by James Herriot


"Just like George Bernard Shaw" is written by James Herriot. It is about an event in writer's life in 1950. In which he learned that all fame is relative. One should not start talking about somebody who is not in the listener's profession or whom people don't recognize in their place. 

The writer had just read that George Bernard Shaw broke his leg while pruning apple trees in his garden. His broken leg got popularity in entire England. That time James Herriot, the narrator of the story and a veterinary doctor, was called by Casling family to set the broken leg of their one-month-old calf. They were remote area farmers and uneducated. 

As the narrator reached there, they welcomed him. Casling was sixty years and had two sons, Alan and Harold who were in their thirties. The narrator asked for lukewarm water to dip plaster bandages for applying to the fractured leg of the calf. The family was observing the treatment closely with full silence.

To break this silence the narrator, thinking that they knew about George Bernard Shaw, told just like George Bernard Shaw eh. But they didn't recognize him because they were living in an isolated area and were busy in their day-to-day routine. What's more, they were uneducated too. After a half minute the father, casling inquired if he had broken his leg, too. Then a son asked if he lived in the village. The narrator replied that he lived in London and wrote plays. Then knowing that the family didn't know George Bernard he preferred to remain quiet. Castling spoke slowly that then he was not in the farming line. 

When treatment was completed, the calf felt better and went toward its mother. The narrator told them that he would take the bandage off in a month, and returned back.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Ode to Tomatoes summary Pablo Neruda

Ode to Tomatoes by Pablo Neruda


Ode to Tomatoes is a poem composed by the great Chilean writer Pablo Neruda. Ode is a lyrical poem. It is about the beauty of tomatoes and their life cycle. In summer tomatoes have been harvested. They can be found everywhere. In winter they are available in the can. The poem talks about spices and other foods like Onion and Olive oil which shows that these things were popular in this time period in Chile. 

After the tomato is cut, the tomato is married or united with the onion in various local dishes of Chile. According to the poet, tomatoes are the star of the earth, without husks and thorns. They are beautiful gifts of nature to satisfy man's hunger. But no matter how beautiful and shining they are, people cut them. The poet says. "we must murder it." Without directly telling the audience, it shows the Spanish invading and killing Chileans in the 16th century. It talks about the history of Chile and what happened when people from Spain came down and invaded Chile and killed many of them.

Thus through this poem, the poet tells about the importance of ordinary things in our life. Further, he reveals the pain of Chileans too.

* Chile is located in the Western border of South America. 

Diasporas and Language summary

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Diasporas and Language summary

Diasporas and Language by Jaine Beswick (B.Ed. First Year)


The word diaspora comes from the Greek word diaspeirein, meaning to scatter, to disperse or scattering. People scatter from their homeland to different places of the world with them they spread their culture too. In ancient times only those people who were exiled from their country had to leave their homeland and lived in another country. Today migration has become largely voluntary ( of one's choice ). Even Nepali people want to migrate to the US, Hong Kong or Canada willingly. They are called non-resident Nepali, those that do not reside within the country of origin.

The diaspora had become victim of circumstances (situation) like being unable to mix with host culture, not getting good job opportunities, discrimination from host society members, psychological stress, nostalgia, language problem, identity crisis, etc. Despite all these problems diaspora has several opportunities to learn host language and culture and to acquire different facilities.

The native language of the migrant or diaspora community is called heritage language and the language used by the host community (the people of that county) is the host language. mixture of these two languages is known as a hybrid or mixed language.

To minimize social, cultural, and linguistic differences within minority groups including Diasporas in the 18th century, the concept of linguistic homogeneity (भाषिक एकरूपता) originated. It was the concept of "one nation, one state, one language." This ideology or concept was soon replaced by multiculturalism because no diaspora shared a similar culture. They did not agree to adopt the same language because they all had different languages and cultures.

The migrants who lived together in the same neighbourhood of the host country were able to maintain their origin culture, tradition, and language. It helped them to feel free from being victims in a foreign county. Nowadays, migrants with the help of the internet feel connected with their originality.

The first generation of migrants uses heritage language in all contexts (circumstances). The second generation uses heritage language in the house and host language elsewhere. The third generation uses host language in all contexts.

For full detail please read the text.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Clock Tower summary Bhubi Sherchan BBS 2nd Year

 The Clock Tower by Bhubi Sherchan


The Clock Tower is a Nepali poem composed by Bhubi Sherchan, translated into English by Padma Devkota. It shows the sad, boring life of old age. The poet shows a similar condition of an old military retired pensioner and the clock tower (Ghanta Ghar) which seems as if fishing in the Ranipokhari in deep thought.

After retirement some army clothes of the old pensioner's were worn off, some of them were cut by rats, and others were given to relatives. One by one all the military outfits (clothes) were gone.  There are two things that he likes too much, therefore, he saved them. One is an old-modelled, large, round pocket watch which is hanging from his neck and the other one is an ancient hat on the head. He has to pass his long, sad days of old age. He is either neglected or not given time by his family members, therefore, he has no one to talk with and share feelings.

In the later part of the stanza, the poet compares the clock tower with an old pensioner. The clock tower (Ghanta Ghar) looks sad due to loneliness and doing the same thing for years. It is alone all the time. It has a clock on his neck and a cap on the head like the old pensioner. It is standing forever on the bank of Ranipokhari and it looks as if it is throwing bait to fish into Ranipokhari in his deep serious thought to pass long, boring and sad days. 

 The poem has revealed the bitter reality of old age either of a man or things. Both are praised, and get surrounded and cared by people at a young age. As time passes both become old. Both are neglected and they have to pass their boring, long and sad days in loneliness waiting for the end.

about Ghanta Ghar 

The Ghanta Ghar (घन्टाघर), situated in the capital city, Kathmandu, is the oldest clock tower of Nepal. It lies in front of Rani Pokhari and near Trichandra College. It was built by Rana Prime Minister Bir Shumsher. The original clock tower was designed after Big Ben of London, as Western influence crept into Nepalese architecture during the Rana era. The GhantaGhar that stands today was rebuilt after the 1990 BS earthquake, standing on the site of the original after the old tower was destroyed by the earthquake.

Poem in Nepali

कुनै फाटेर
कुनै मुसाले काटेर
कुनै छोरा - नाति
एक-एक गरी फौजका सब पूरानाजर्सी सिद्धिए 

तर जतनसाथ बचाई राखेको 
फौजी जीवनका दुईटा प्रिय चिन्ह 
एउटा पूरानो डिजाइनको ठूलो - गोलो जेबघडी 
छातीमा झुण्ड्याएर अनि एउटा पूरानो टोपशिरमा लगाएर
माछा मार्ने निहुँले 
बुढेसकालमा लामा
र दिक्दारे दिन बिताउने
एउटा पेन्सनवाला बुढो लाहुरेझै
रानीपोखरीमा बल्छी हालेर
तटमा उभिएर निरन्तर
झोक्रिरहेछ घण्टाघर ।

The Hundredth Dove Summary-Jane-Yolen

Beauty Summary

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Hundredth Dove Summary Jane Yolen BBS 2nd year English

 The Hundredth Dove by Jane Yolen


*Hugh - fowler (someone who hunts wild birds for food), lives in a cottage in the forest, a dedicated man.
*Lady Columbia - neat as a bird, slim and fair with black eyes. The meaning of her name is a dove
*White dove


The Hundredth Dove, written by Jane Yolen, has a fairytale (the story about magical and imaginary beings) setting. It is a story of the misuse of power and the triumph (success) of love. It asks an important question when you have choices, do you follow your head or your heart?

Hugh, the main character, was called by the King. The king was getting married to Lady Columba in one week. When Hugh saw Lady Columbia, his heart felt warm. She was neat as a bird, slim and fair with black eyes and so beautiful. The king held out her hand to Hugh to kiss but he was nervous and just kissed the golden ring of her finger. The King ordered Hugh to catch one hundred birds for his wedding feast. (विवाह भोज). The queen, Lady Columbia, requested not to catch birds but the king didn't care. Hugh took his master's words as his main duty and went back. 

On the first day, he caught (समात्यो) twenty-one doves, twenty fat gray and one white slim and fair. The white one escaped (भाग्यो) so remained twenty. Although he was not sad still he decided to capture it. For the following four days, the same thing happened. On the fifth night, he caught only nineteen gray doves, there wasn't that white dove. Then he had ninety-nine doves. He needed one more to complete his task. Therefore, he determined (उनले निर्णय गरे) to catch that white dove.

In the evening when the white dove came down to eat, Hugh caught it. She requested him to leave her. She offered gold, silver, fame, and fortune but he rejected all because serving his master was his main purpose. Then the dove offered him queen's love, for the first time he noticed the golden ring on the dove's foot. He imagined Lady Columba. He began to tremble (shake) and his heart began to pulse madly. He felt a burning in his chest. Then he looked down at the dove and it seemed to be smiling at him, its black eyes shining. 

His sense of duty to the king stopped him from hearing his heart's voice. He closed his eyes and twisted the dove's neck. The next day the fowler, (Hugh) brought the hundred doves - the ninety-nine live ones and the one dead to the king's kitchen. But there never was a wedding. The fowler gave up hunting and feed grain to the birds. He hung that gold ring around his neck.

We can understand that the queen actually disguised (e]if abNg') herself as a dove. She liked  Hugh. Hugh also liked her but for him, his duty was his first priority.  In fear the dove flew away again, he killed it avoiding his heart's voice.

Please read the real textbook to get the exact and detailed information. The summary may misguide you. Thank you.

The Old Man at the Bridge summary

An Essay in Aesthetics summary

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Old Man at the Bridge summary Ernest Hemingway BBS 2nd year English

 The Old Man at the Bridge by Ernest Hemingway


An old man – Central character, steel, wears spectacles, 76 years old, dusty clothes

The narrator – is a soldier for the Republican (left-wing) side in the Spanish Civil War, in the story he determines the extent of the enemy's advance.

Setting – During the Spanish Civil War, over the Ebro River on Easter Sunday in 1938.

Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939) – war between leftist (Republican) and rightist (Nationalists)

Easter Sunday:  the day of rebirth of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion.

(left-wing) -Emphasis on ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform, and internationalism.

Theme: War never brings good, It not only destroys the lives of the soldiers in the battlefield but all living beings. Innocent people have to leave their homes where they had been living since their grandparents' time. Due to unexpected bomb falls, they lose their lives.


The Old Man at the Bridge is written by Earnest Hemingway. He is considered as one of the great American 20th-century century novelists. He won the Nobel Prize in 1954.

It was Easter Sunday during the Spanish Civil War. There was a war between leftists and rightists. The story tells of Devastating effects and the misery of the civilians. The narrator was in his duty. He saw an old man of seventy-six sitting on the bridge. He came from San Carlos. He had no family. He was the last one to leave the town of San Carlos because he was taking care of animals. The narrator noticed his black dusty clothes, gray dusty face and his steel-rimmed spectacles.

The old man had two goats, a cat and four pairs of pigeons. He was without politics. It means he didn't belong to any party. He was a common, naïve man unaware of political issues, only concerned with his own daily life. He walked twelve kilometers therefore he was tired and couldn't go further.

The narrator advised him to go to a safer place towards Barcelona, the other side of the river, but he desired to wait for a while. Actually, the old man was tired and he didn't know anyone in another place, therefore he reluctant (अनिच्छुक) to go.  In addition to it, he was worried for his animals. However, he was happy for the cat because it could take care of itself.

Now the narrator asked the old man whether he left the dove cage unlocked. The old man had left the cage unlocked; therefore, the narrator told him not to worry because they would fly. (The narrator uttered dove instead of pigeons. It shows his inner desire for peace as a dove is the symbol of hope and peace) Further, he suggested not to think about other animals too. He urged the old man to try to walk but he couldn't get up so again sat down. Moreover still, instead of his life safety, he was thinking about his animals because they were part of his life and his livelihood.

Fascists were advancing toward the Ebro but due to bad weather, their planes could not come, therefore the old man was safe. The narrator went from there.

Summary in short

It was Easter Sunday, and there was a civil war in Spain between leftists and rightists. All the people were told to move towards a safer place leaving their village. An old man of 76, who lived in San Carlos also left his village but he had domestic animals and had to look after them therefore he could not leave early and became the last one to leave the village. He arrived on the bridge of the Ebro river and sat there due to tiredness. He was too worried about his animals.

The narrator was a soldier. He told him to go to Barcelona for his safety. Finding the old man worried about his animals he asked him if he had left the dove cage unlocked, they would have flown. So he didn't need to be worried for them and go from there before enemies attack the place. As he was too tired he couldn't stand up properly. The sky was not clear; therefore, enemies planes could not reach there which saved the old man's life. God had shown him mercy on that Easter Sunday.

Please read the real textbook to get the exact and detailed information. The summary may misguide you. Thank you.

Popular Mechanics 

The Hundredth Dove summary

An Essay in Aesthetics summary

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Before the Battle Summary Siegfried Sassoon B. Ed. First Year English

 Before the Battle by Siegfried Sassoon

Music of whispering trees
Hushed by a broad-winged breeze
Where shaken water gleams;
And evening radiance falling
With reedy bird-notes calling.
O bear me safe through dark, you low-voiced streams.

I have no need to pray
That fear may pass away;
I scorn the growl and rumble of the fight
That summons me from cool
Silence of marsh and pool
And yellow lilies is landed in light
O river of stars and shadows, lead me through the night.

- Siegfried Sassoon (1886 - 1967)

 Siegfried Sassoon was a British army captain during World War I. while on the front lines on June 25, 1916 – just days before the Battle of Somme he wrote this poem


Before the Battle is a poem composed by Siegfried Sassoon. He wrote this poem when he was in the First World War. He didn't like war but he had to fight bravely in the war against Germans in France. The poem reflects the thoughts of the speaker before a battle.

The speaker describes a place which is near a river. It is a peaceful place and getting dark. (the time was evening) . There was quiet music of whispering trees. Due to the gentle wind,  the river's water shakes and shines. Birds are singing songs. Now it is totally dark. The speaker requested streams that are falling quietly to take him safely to the dark or he feels happy in the dark because in the darkness no one can see him. He is safe.

In the second stanza, it is dark; therefore, he is happy and fearless. He doesn't need to pray for the safety of his life. He cannot see the horror of the day. He scorns the loud irritating sound of the fight. Yellow lilies are seen in the light of stars. He prefers dark, night and wants to go in the dark, and requests stars to show him a path in the night.

We can say the speaker instead of seeing a terrific picture of war prefers death. We can connect dark with death. He thinks after death he will live a peaceful life, free from fear and heart trembling sound (काँप्ने आवाज) of the war.

The poet through this poem gives us a message that even soldiers don't like war. They also want peace. War destroys peaceful land into desert. It never brings good.

This explanation of the poem is based on personal opinion so please read the poem to find out the exact meaning of the poem. Thank you

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Popular Mechanics summary Raymond Carver BBS 2nd year English

 Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver (1938 - 1988)


Popular Mechanics is a story through which the writer Raymond Carver wants to give a message to the readers that using unnecessary force in the wrong place never benefits anybody.  Mechanics is a branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces and their effect on bodies


Later it appeared under the title "Little Things." The story describes an argument between a man and a woman that increases into a physical struggle over their baby. The writer through this story shows the bitter reality of a modern society where instead of solving issues through good communication, couples directly think of divorce. Lack of communication and inability to take the right decisions cause them to break their relationship and destroy their children's future.


It was getting dark weather was not good since morning. The husband was packing clothes. His wife came in, she was happy that he was leaving. She picked up the baby's photo from the bed.  The man asked to return the photo back but she refused and went out to the living room.


He came out to the living room his wife was standing in the doorway of the little kitchen holding the baby. He asked for the baby. When she refused he tried to snatch the baby. The baby was red-faced and screaming. In the scuffle (fight) they knocked down a flowerpot that hung behind the stove. He tried to break her grip on the baby. The Kitchen window gave no light. He gripped (held - the second form of the verb hold) the screaming baby's arm. As she felt the baby going from her hand, she grabbed for the baby's other arm. When he felt the baby slipping out of his hands, he pulled back the baby's arm very hard.

The writer has ended the story with the line " In this manner, the issue was decided."  It suggests that the struggle is over. Either the baby was killed or his hand had been broken.  Lost in their arrogance, they use the baby as a string and pull him back and forth which intensely hurt the baby.

Please read the real textbook to get the exact and detailed information. The summary may misguide you. Thank you.

Girl summary

The Old Man at the Bridge summary

Monday, July 18, 2022

Butcher Shop summary - Charles Simic B.Ed. first year

 Butcher Shop - Charles Simic


 Butcher Shop is a poem composed by Charles Simic. It is about the cruel human act of killing innocent animals for food. A butcher shop is a place where animals are killed and their meat is sold. 

The speaker walking at late night sees a butcher shop. There is a single light. The poet describes the butcher shop as much like a prison where great sins of killing and sacrificing innocent, weak and helpless animals is done. The butcher man uses an apron, sharp knives, a wooden block and a light. 

The apron has marks of blood all over it which appear like the map. It shows many innocent animals have been slaughtered in that shop. Sharp shining knives have been used to kill animals. The wooden block is used to cut the animal's meat and bones.

The poet claims to have heard the voice of those innocent animals which were killed in the shop.  All these things help to arise scary images of the place. The poet seems to speak for the rights of animals.

 Some powerful images the poet has created in the poem are: the image of a blood apron, glistening knives, a wooden butcher's block, single light in the shop,  the wailing of the voices, etc.

Q - Killing animals for food is not good. Argue in its favour or against.

From - English for The New Millennium.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Case study solved BBS 2nd year model question paper English

 Dear students, the answer given here is just an example. A case study is based on different cases, so you need to understand it. Most of the time, the questions are analytical. You need to analyze and present your answers. This question comes for 18 marks, with two questions of 9 marks each. Even if you find difficulty understanding the given case at the time of examination, don't give up. Try your best to understand the case and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Good luck!

12. Read the given case and answer the following questions. 

The fact that millions of people spend billions of hours playing games on their mobile devices is not lost on companies looking for ways to enhance communication with employees and customers. Whether they feature skill, chance, or compelling storylines, successful games try to engage users intellectually and emotionally--just as successful business communicators try to do.

Gamification is the addition of game-playing aspects to an activity or a process with the goal of increasing user engagement, and it's a natural fit for social media and mobile devices. Foursquare's check-in competitions, in which the person who "checks in" using Foursquare the most times during a certain time window is crowned the "mayor" of that location, were an early use of gamification. Foursquare wasn't invented as a way for people to become imaginary mayors of places where they shop or eat, of course. It is an advertising platform that relies on user activity and user-generated content, and the game clement encourages people to use the app more frequently.

Foursquare is a simple example of gamification, but other companies are pushing the concept in new ways to engage and motivate employees and other stakeholders. For example, Bunchball's Nitro software applies gamification concepts to a number of business communication platforms. On a customer-service system, the software rewards employees for increasing their productivity, meeting their service commitments to customers, and sharing knowledge with their colleagues. On several collaboration and brainstorming systems, gamification encourages people to make more connections, share ideas, and boost their influence within a community. Employee orientation systems can use game concepts to help new hires learn their way around the organization. 

Gamification is also a key strategy for many companies trying to improve customer loyalty. Badgeville's Reputation Mechanics system, for example, boosts the profile of knowledgeable customers who share expertise on social media sites and other online forums. By rewarding their product champions this way, companies encourage them to keep contributing their expertise, thereby helping other customers be successful and satisfied.

Incidentally, if you are in the Millennial generation- those born between about 1981 and 1995 you're a special target of gamification in the workplace and the marketplace, given your generation's enthusiasm for video games. Don't be surprised to find more gamified apps and systems on the job and everywhere you turn as a consumer. 


a. Gamification is about influencing employee and customer behaviours in ways that benefit a company. Is this ethical? Explain your answer.

b. Assume a company provides a job-search game app that helps you navigate your way through applying for a job, explore various job openings, and understand what it would be like to work there. Would the app make you feel more positively about the company, or would you find that using a game for this purpose would trivialize something as important as your job search? Explain your answer.

a. Gamification is the use of game-like elements to non-game contexts. It is a strategy for motivating and engaging people in a variety of activities. Gamification can be used to make tasks more enjoyable and rewarding, and to encourage people to learn new things or to take on new challenges or The addition of game-playing aspects (features) to an activity with the goal of increasing user engagement is gamification. 

In mobile games when gamers won, they get points and are promoted to the next level. The more levels they cross the high points they get. Within this, they get trophies, badges, and positions. Although such things are not real still encourage gamers to play longer and achieve high levels. Gamers feel psychological happiness and desire to spend more time. If elements of game playing (point, competition with others, rules of play, badges, trophies) are applied to other areas of non-gaming activities then surely enrolment can be increased. Gamification is a key strategy for many companies trying to improve customer loyalty and keep employees motivated.

Gamification concepts are widely used in almost every sector, from education to online businesses, to influence employee and customer behaviours in ways that benefit a company. For example, if employees are able to sell more products, and meet their service commitments to customers they will be awarded more points and trophies. Similarly, if customers provide positive feedback, and share good opinions on social media sites and other online forums they will be rewarded. In this way, companies encourage them to keep contributing.

While gamification has been widely adopted by companies to influence employee and customer behaviors, its ethical implications depend on its implementation. Gamification can be ethical if it is used sensibly and transparently. This means that the company should be clear about how the gamification system works and that it should not exploit or manipulate people. However, gamification can also be unethical if it is used in a deceptive or manipulative way. For example, a company might use gamification to trick people into buying products they don't need or to get them to work longer hours.

In conclusion, gamification makes boring repetitive work more enjoyable for workers. Successful games try to engage users intellectually and emotionally just as successful business communicators try to do. In the same way, the use of gaming elements in work influences consumers' and employees' buying and working activities. Therefore, whether it is ethical or not to use gamification for the company's benefit depends on the company's strategies, sensibility and transparency. Responsible gamification can be a valuable tool for companies, but unethical gamification can harm both the company and its customers.