Unit 1 The Communication Process
Topic 2 Communication Methods
Communication methods are the ways we use to communicate with others. They are:
1. Verbal communication – Any form of communication, either written or spoken that involves language is called verbal communication. It is the most common method of communication.
communication: Written Communication refers to the process of conveying
a message through written symbols. Examples: emails, memorandums (memos),
faxes, and advertisements.
communication: Oral communication is the exchange of information and ideas
through the spoken word. Examples: telephonic conversation. Speeches,
presentations, discussions, face-to-face conversations.
2. Visual communication: Visual communication is the use
of visual elements (that we can see) to convey ideas and information. Examples
- signs, drawing, graphic design, pictures, images, maps, and industrial design.
3. Non-verbal communication: Nonverbal communication
is the transfer of information through body language, facial expressions,
gestures, created space, and more. For example, smiling when you meet someone
conveys (व्यक्त गर्दछ) friendliness,
acceptance, and openness.
Unit 1, Topic 3 - The Writing Process
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