Meaning into words.
1.Explain what
these people do (Practice):
eg: A secretary- a person
who writes letters, keeps records, etc. in an office
A cashier- A night
watchman An air hostess
A mechanic- A
A plumber- A receptionist
ex- Fred drives buses.
He's a bus driver.
i) Janet
mends watches.
ii) Mac
manages a supermarket.
iii) Ann
sells books.
iv) Mandy
takes photographs.
v) Jimmy
sweeps roads
Richard and Liz act in films.
Angela reads the news on television.
vii) Chris
plays classical music on the guitar.
2.What’s your job? (Practice):
1. Police
station / police man? / secretary
A: Where do you work?
B: I work at the local police
A: Oh, so you’re a policeman, are
B: No, I’m secretary – I write letters,
keep records, etc. at the police station.
2. Railway station / ticket collector? /
3. Supermarket
/ cashier? / store detective
4. Library
/ librarian? / cleaner 5. Ski
resort / ski instructor? ________
6. Language
/ _____? / _______7. Restaurant
/ _____? / ______
8. Nightclub
/ _____? / _______9. Airport
/ _______? / ______
3.Decisions and Intentions
[I think I’ll / Perhaps I’ll/ Maybe
I’ll] Decide to do things.
[Perhaps I won’t / Maybe I won’t/ I
don’t think I’ll] Decide not to do these things, and add a reason.
1. To have a beer
I think I’ll
have a beer. I’m thirsty.
2. Not to have a beer
I don’t think
I’ll have a beer. I feel cold.
3. To
write to your mother 4. Not to go out tonight
5. To
learn to drive 6. Not to have any more
to eat
7. Not to give up smoking 8. To go swimming
9. To have a party
10. Not to invite Jane to your party
4. Now, add a decision to these
1. I’
m getting too much fat. – I think I’ll go on a diet.
2. I’m
fed up with my job.
3. She
seems very friendly.
4. I’m
a bit- tired tonight.
5. I
really must try and get rid of this cough.
6. I
hope they’re not worried about me.
7. I’ve
had enough of these mice running about all over the flat.
5. Intentions and Plans (Practice):
Intentions and Plans are expressed
using ‘going to’, intending to, planning to and thinking of v-ing’.
What do you think the following
people are going to? Talk about their intentions using: [‘going to’, intending
to, planning to and thinking of v-ing’]
1. Roger
has decided that he doesn’t earn enough money.
He’s going to look for a better job.
He’s thinking of speaking to his boss about it. He’s planning to do a second
job in the evenings. He’s intending to ask for some money from his parents.
2. Wendy
has decided that her life isn’t exciting enough.
3. Grandfather
had decided that it’s not safe to keep his money under his mattress..
4. The
Robinsons are worried because their house is full of valuable antiques.
5. Janet
has just bought 100 kilos of cheese.
6. Alex
has taken all of his money out of his bank account.
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