Friday, April 23, 2021

in spite of / despite, conditional


11.   Change the following sentences using c) although / even though, a) Despite/In spite of the fact that b) with in spite of / despite


Example: He looked very scruffy, but he still got the job.

.              Although he looked very scruffy, he got the job.s


(a) She was 85 years old, but she lived very active life.

(b) Video machines are expensive, but lots of people are buying them.

(c) Her parents objected, but she still insisted on getting married.

(d) Beethoven was deaf, but he continued composing until his deaf.

(e) We’ve known each other for a long time, but we still call each other by our surnames.

f) He used his raincoat, but still he got wet.


    13)  Example : I have been to Denmark (My father)

                  So has my father.


  My father drives a car. (Tom)

 I haven't tasted steak before.( Hari)

I don't think much of that book ( My sister)

My cat will eat anything. ( My dog)

August was beautiful this year.( July)


Example: I can speak German.

                So can I .

                I can speak it, too

Ex – My parents never write to me.       A) I've got a cold today.                             G) I can't stand ballet.

        Nor do mine.                                   B) I didn't have any breakfast this morning.

        Mine don't write to me , either.      C) My sister lives in London.

Ex – I am not going to reserve a seat.    D) I never watch T.V

        Neither am I.                                   E) My birthday was in August.

        I'm not going to  reserve one , either.     F) I used to be crazy about modern jazz


13) There are 4 basic types of conditionals: the zero conditional, the first conditional, the second conditional, and the third conditional

The Zero Conditional ( simple present, simple present)

  • If people eat too much, they get fat.
  • If you touch a fire, you get burned.
  • People die if they don't eat.
  • You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Snakes bite if they are scared.
  • If babies are hungry, they cry.


The first conditional is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future.

(If + Simple present, simple future)

Eg. If it is sunny tomorrow, I will have a picnic.

      If you come to the party, I will be very happy.

      If they play well, they will be awarded.


The second conditional is a structure used to talk about impossible or imaginary situations.(simple past, s+would+ v1+o)


Eg. If I won a lot of money I'd travel the world.

       If he passed in the exam, I would give a party.


Third Conditional is used  to describe a situation that could have happened in the past .(If+ past perfect, s+would have +v3 +O)

If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.

·         You would have gotten wet if it had rained.

·         You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder.

·         If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.

·         I would have believed you if you hadn't lied to me before.


      15) Points and Period of Time.


I know your sister. (September) (2063)

A: How long have you known her?

B: I've known her since September.

C: (to A) When did he meet her?

A: He met her in September.


I play bridge. (five years)

A: How long have you been playing bridge?

B: I have been playing for five years.

C:(to A) When did he start playing bridge?

A: He stared playing five years ago.


Have similar conversation

ii)I'm engaged now, you know. (July)

iii)I'm writing a novel. ( a few weeks)

iv)I go to evening classes. (three months)

v)I've got a movie camera. (Christmas)

vi)I'm a graduate now . ( a fortnight )

vii)My leg's hurting . ( 8 o'clock this morning)

viii) I know that joke already. (years and years)


16) Write similar conversation as shown in examples.

        EG. You have been invited  to a fancy dress party .

A: Are you any good at dress making ?

B: Not bad why ?

A: I want someone to make me a Dracula costume.

B: Oh. Then you want to ask Ann. She's fantastic at dressmaking.


a)      You have just moved into a new house.

b)     You got some people coming to dinner

c)      You are organising a variety show for charity.

d)     You are starting up a small business.


 17) Direct and Indirect speech 

            Ravi said, “What is Heena doing?”

            Esha said, “Will she come for lunch?”

           The boy asked, “Where do you stay?”

           The boy inquired where I stayed

  1.  “I walk.”              5)  “We were living in Paris.”   8)  “I had a headache yesterday.”
  2.      “Ananya took pasta.”    6) I will go to Sri Lanka.”  9) Do they live here?”
  3. “I am having tea.”       7)   “Honey has left for school.”   10)“When are you leaving?”
  4.   “I’m seeing my brother tomorrow.”     11) "She must go."            

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