Grief by Anton Chekov
Grief summary Anton Chekov B. Ed. 1st year
Grief is a story written by Anton Chekov. It is about human suffering that he wants to share to be relief or burdenless, but no one desires to listen because one person has no interest in another person's agony or suffering. Anton Chekov shows man's inhumanity to man.
Iona Potapov is the main character who is old and a cab driver. He and his horse both are quite white and motionless. It is evening time, snow is falling. He is waiting for passengers. He has recently lost his only son Brain due to flu. Therefore, he wants to share his grief with someone to feel comfortable. Although he is surrounded by people still remains alone in his grief.
He finds first passenger, who is an army officer. He scolds Iona because he is not driving the cap in balance. Iona shares his grief on which officer doesn't show any sympathy.
The second group of passenger on the cap is a group of three young men. One of them is a hunchback. They use bad language and make fun of Iona. When he finds complete silence he shares his grief with them but they take it lightly and say, "We must all die."
Now it is already nine. He arrives at the station. He tells about his son's death to a young cab driver who is sleeping in one of the corners asking for drink in his sleep state. He doesn't have any effect of Iona'a words.
At last, he decides to share his pain with his horse. His son suffered from fever too much. Then he was brought to a hospital for treatment. After three days, his son died. His daughter lives in a village.
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